I can’t even begin to tell you what an amazing week we have had. I have never seen our daughter so happy and relaxed in her entire life! I don’t know what flip was switched but it has been incredible. I know there are always ups and downs but we have never had an “up” like this since she was born! There were a few “triggers” that would have usually sent her in a tail spin but nothing happened. She was calm and got through it. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high yet but it’s hard not too. Great week!

Before, he had meltdowns all the time – screaming, crying, kicking- that could go on for hours. Now meltdowns are so minor. Before he had extreme anxiety and social awkwardness. He would retreat from family and friends into his own head or into another room. Now he wants to be social. He sits down amidst groups of people and listens and converses. He has genuine interest in being with people. Before he could not focus and would not listen. Now he can focus and follow through and we are progressing steadily with listening. It’s so much better. He can really be involved with our family now and does so well with the other children. I’m so happy with how well he’s doing.

I can’t say enough
I was so stuck!!! Had many fault lines that I couldn’t get past. With neurofeedback and counseling with Anna I have been able to get past some things that were causing me unrelenting fear. I feel like I have opened a door to myself as I was BEFORE the pain!!! Thank you so much!!! I can’t say enough!!!!!!!!

Free off all medication
I have been on medication since I was 17 years old and have attempted suicide to many times to count. Nothing seemed to help me so I went through life putting on a fake smile and going through the motion of life but not really living.
When I heard about Abundant Living I had pretty much made up my mind this was my last hope and if it didn’t work I was gonna make sure I ended my life! I’ve done two sets of treatments and have been free off all medication… for one year …depression meds anxiety meds sleep meds etc!
I feel the best I have since I was 17 years old and i’m fixing to be 43 years old next month. It’s worth every penny I paid to have a reason to want to wake up each morning and the fact my children and husband have me back! I would recommend her treatments to anyone who suffers from depression,anxiety etc.

74 Year Old Male

Swimming in Molasses
I used to feel like I was swimming in molasses. Now I can keep up with conversations better and retain information people are saying in real time. That has greatly reduced my social anxiety.

Internal Nervousness
My sense of internal nervousness is completely gone. Because I can think so much clearer, my stress at work has greatly improved.

I sleep uninterrupted
When I first came in I would wake up anxious every single day. I would literally black out, shake, or pass out and become very forgetful. I do not wake up anxious anymore and anxiety is barely an issue. I sleep through the night uninterrupted, where are used to wake up constantly, and my mind is calmer and I can actually sit down and read where I could not before. I still have a ways to go but it is so much better!

I was a desperate woman
Abundant Living! I’m so thankful I decided to call them!! About a year and a half ago I was a desperate woman who suffered from anxiety/panic attacks, depression, so much emotional distress I needed help. I believe the Lord led me to Abundant Living. I had never even heard of neurofeedback. I had tried medications all they were doing was bringing temporary relief & I don’t like to take synthetic medicine. I’m a believer in neurofeedback therapy. I’ve had no anxiety/panic attacks, depression since I stopped treatment. I’m better able to handle my emotions. The staff is caring & understanding to their client’s needs! If you’re struggling give them a call…it could change your life!