Best Kept Secret in Mental Health, Part 1
By Anna Raab, M.A. BCN, Abundant Living Neurofeedback and Counseling
Part 1: The Brain is an Electrical Organ
In this article I am going to begin to explain the mental health technology that literally saves lives. With this tool I’ve been able to resolve suicidal depression, anxiety, ADHD and so much more. I have been able to see healing where only the word treatment or coping had been used before. I am so excited to explain what it is, how it works, and what it can help.
Most people are familiar with biofeedback, right? With biofeedback a person can learn to control heart rate, body temperature, muscle tension, and other physiological process for which we are usually unaware. Well, with Neurofeedback we can actually learn to regulate our brain wave activity. That’s right, our brain waves can be trained to normalize.
Most people aren’t even really aware of what our brain waves do, much less that they can misbehave. But the reality is that our brain is an electro-chemical universe and the patterns of electrical activity have everything to do with our human existence and experience. There is enough electricity in our brain in our waking moments to light up a small light bulb! Our brain has an estimated 100 million Neurons and 100 trillion connections. That’s a lot of traffic! We are electrical beings!
All these neuron connections are carrying impulses of electrical activity ranging from very slow to very fast electrical currents. These currents are measured in cycles per second called hertz. From slow to fast these waves are called Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma brainwaves. In the waking state all types of activity are working together to accomplish all the tasks of brain processing.
I love metaphors and because I’m a musician I love this one. Just like a chord of five notes resonates when certain notes are played, electrical patterns also seem to resonate best when in certain relationship to each other. The reason a chord of notes resonates is because those notes are an exact ratio to another and hence those sound waves resonate and sound beautiful.
On the contrary, if we hit a sharp or a flat it can ruin the whole chord and we hear dissonance because a soundwave is “misbehaving” and is either too fast or too slow and creates discord with the other waves.
Something similar is true with brainwave activity. According to Neurofeedback research and databases that show normal brainwave activity in humans, brainwaves need to operate in a certain relationship to each other in order for optimal brain processing to occur.
When there is too much or too little of any type of electrical activity a type of disharmony can emerge and signals do not resonate and operate the way they need to for optimal effectiveness. ADHD is a common disorder that has been shown to commonly have a theta to beta ratios that are too high, hence causing a slowing of the electrical traffic and causing symptoms.
Understanding the brain as an electrical organ is the first step in understanding true mental health. It’s not all in your head, but it is all in your brain.
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Best Kept Secret in Mental Health, Part 2
By Anna Raab, M.A. MFT, BCN
Part 2: Mapping the Electrical Universe
In my last article I began an introduction into the world of Neurofeedback by explaining the mechanisms of the brain as an electrical organ. I explained that the brain is an electro-chemical universe, and that in order for that universe to be in unison with itself, the different types of electrical waves must be in balance and in harmony with one another. In this edition I will explain how we map this electrical universe and make meaning out of the patterns and complexities therein.
Brain Mapping begins with what is called a quantitative EEG or qEEG. This qEEG is taken by way of an electrode cap. This cap is full of electrodes that can actually capture and transmit the electrical activity being emitted by the brain and through the scalp.
By use of conductive gel this electrical activity is picked up by the electrode sensors and sent to an amplifier that amplifies the signals and makes them readable and recordable by the computer software. After recording 10 minutes of total activity, five minutes with eyes opened and five minutes with eyes closed, we are able to upload the recording to our database.
This database compares the electrical activity to the normative measures based on age, gender, and the location of the brain being recorded. The final product is what is called a Brain Map.
The Brain Map then becomes a visible and easily readable representation of brainwave activity. The map shows how much of each of the types of activity (from slow to fast) is present, the connectivity between hemispheres, the dominant frequencies of each of the types of waves, the left or right hemisphere dominance of the waves, and how in sync the waves are between hemispheres. Basically, hundreds of variables of brain wave activity are represented in a Brain Map that can be read and explained by a highly qualified clinician.
I like to explain that reading a Brain Map is like reading a traffic map. There is a lot of information represented that shows what is going on with the roads and highways of the brain. The actual roads
and highways can be just fine. We aren’t looking for “brain damage.” We are simply looking at electrical traffic, identifying where the traffic is not flowing properly, and proceed from there to correct the traffic.
One of the greatest values that I see in Brain Mapping is how it validates the mental struggle of individuals. I left my last article saying it’s not all in your head, but it IS all in your brain. I know so many people who have actually been told by practitioners that their problems are all in their head… how very cruel and judgmental to leave a patient feeling like they’ve merely conjured up all their issues.
How sad when clinicians don’t talk about the brain as an organ just as they would any other organ, like it is somehow different and able to be controlled if you just try hard enough. This is simply not the case and a Brain Map can be one of the most validating experiences on a person’s mental health journey, as they can finally see the face of the invisible giant that has caused them or their loved ones so much frustration or pain.
Please look for my article in the next edition that will explain where we go from here. I will explain exactly how we go about correcting the “traffic.”
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