I used to be obsessed about certain issues and I would repeat negative thoughts over and over. Now I’m less pessimistic and able to see the good in people and situations. I can now let go of OCD thoughts like whether or not I forgot to turn off the lights.
My memory and perceptions were overrun with negativity. Now I see more positively and objectively.
I was impulsive, wouldn’t study and couldn’t plan well. Now I can study well and follow through with things that require planning and organization.
I used to feel out of body and disconnected- more like I was watching myself, almost like I was in a dreamlike state. Now I feel more present and focused.
My attention is so much better. I used to daydream to the extreme. Now it’s completely controllable. I’m doing better on tests and I can articulate in writing better. I’m also able to verbalize things better and actually say what I’m thinking.