I’m shocked…I’ve had no severe episodes with suicidal moments after one round of intense sessions. None. I can’t believe it… I’m thankful beyond expression. I am so mentally capable I can’t believe it.

I am beautiful.
I can look in the mirror and see that I am beautiful. I want to wear colors now where all I used to wear is black.

Free off all medication
I have been on medication since I was 17 years old and have attempted suicide to many times to count. Nothing seemed to help me so I went through life putting on a fake smile and going through the motion of life but not really living.
When I heard about Abundant Living I had pretty much made up my mind this was my last hope and if it didn’t work I was gonna make sure I ended my life! I’ve done two sets of treatments and have been free off all medication… for one year …depression meds anxiety meds sleep meds etc!
I feel the best I have since I was 17 years old and i’m fixing to be 43 years old next month. It’s worth every penny I paid to have a reason to want to wake up each morning and the fact my children and husband have me back! I would recommend her treatments to anyone who suffers from depression,anxiety etc.