When it comes to neurofeedback, Abundant Living is Tulsa’s best! Anna has a completely sincere passion to bring hope to people. If you or a loved on experiences depression, ADD, lack of sleep or any mental ailment you owe it to yourself to give Abundant Living a call.

Less pessimistic.
I used to be obsessed about certain issues and I would repeat negative thoughts over and over. Now I’m less pessimistic and able to see the good in people and situations. I can now let go of OCD thoughts like whether or not I forgot to turn off the lights.
My memory and perceptions were overrun with negativity. Now I see more positively and objectively.
I was impulsive, wouldn’t study and couldn’t plan well. Now I can study well and follow through with things that require planning and organization.
I used to feel out of body and disconnected- more like I was watching myself, almost like I was in a dreamlike state. Now I feel more present and focused.
My attention is so much better. I used to daydream to the extreme. Now it’s completely controllable. I’m doing better on tests and I can articulate in writing better. I’m also able to verbalize things better and actually say what I’m thinking.

No longer having to push him.
We are no longer having to push him. We are hands off now. He is getting A’s and B’s and is no longer forgetting assignments.

Off all medications
She was diagnosed with PTSD, OCD and Depression. We’ve been to two psychiatrists and she’s been on Lexapro and Seroquel with no benefits. After Neurofeedback she’s off all medications and is completely different. People keep asking us what is different about her because she even looks happier and more present. Her focus is much better, she’s less impulsive she understands things much better. She is now getting A’s and B’s instead of D’s and F’s.

Totally different
My son was performing very well in school but was uncontrollable. Thanks to treatments which helped unclutter his brain waves, he’s totally different. And although only 5 years old, his recent IQ test gave him a 125.
I’m very grateful for what A.L. has done to help him!

Coliseum full of thoughts.
Before it was like I had a coliseum full of thoughts and voices bombarding my mind all at once. Now there’s one thought, one voice, and everything is clear.

Truly life-changing.
I can’t say enough for your help and expertise. There are no words. The anxiety is completely gone and I am forever grateful. This has been a truly life-changing experience.

Psychiatrist was speechless
His psychiatrist was speechless and overwhelmed by his progress in such a short amount of time. He has treated our son for many years and after just 8 sessions of Neurofeedback he has decided to start weaning him off of two medications used to treat his anxiety.

Regain control
My goal before neurofeedback was simply to be able to get through the day without feeling panic, but I ended up being able to cut my ADHD medication in half. Now I feel like I can control my thoughts, and I don’t feel that frantic hyper energy that fueled the anxiety and made me feel so nervous and restless. Neurofeedback helped me regain control of my life.”

Reaching full potential
As the mom of an anxious young adult, I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone with ADHD or anxiety to try neurofeedback at Abundant Living. The staff is knowledgeable, kind and encouraging, and they literally changed my son’s life. He has reduced his ADHD medication as a result of neurofeedback, and more importantly to us, he’s reaching his full potential.