When it comes to neurofeedback, Abundant Living is Tulsa’s best! Anna has a completely sincere passion to bring hope to people. If you or a loved on experiences depression, ADD, lack of sleep or any mental ailment you owe it to yourself to give Abundant Living a call.
Sarah takes control of her mind:
Sarah takes control of her mind:
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Seeing for the first time
I feel like someone who is blind seeing for the first time. I’ve never known what it is to feel normal until now. There is just no other way to describe it. I don’t have to fake it anymore. There’s no way I could ever thank you enough.

So extraordinary
We had so much fun last night—and we were just shopping. It was so normal, and yet so extraordinary. The little things—they can be HUGE.

Calmer, clearer
I am calmer, clearer, my memory is better and I have much more emotional control. I had to separate from my wife because of my dissociative episodes of extreme anger. Now the episodes are seldom and resolve in a couple of hours instead of days. I was able to move back in with my family and we are doing so much better.

Everything is better.
At home and at work I couldn’t remember anything unless I wrote it down and now I work mostly by memory. Now my wife can depend on me more and I’ve also been promoted at work. Everything is better.

Forever grateful.
I’m doing so well… I’m always at a loss of how to say thank you… how do you say that at all to someone who’s saved your life? I will always be forever grateful.

Off my medication
After one round of sessions I’m off my medication, have had no distinct mood swings and am sleeping consistently and soundly. I’m doing so much better. It’s truly amazing.

Coherent Thoughts, No Fog
My thinking is so much clearer. Now I have coherent thoughts where are used to be in a fog all the time. The fog is gone. I wake up rested in the internal nervousness I used to have all the time is going as well.